Everyone is better off in kind company and supportive friends. But what happens when you really need a kind friend or supportive shoulder and none is available?
Answer: At such times, you must learn to befriend yourself.Learn and practice unhooking your mind from unkind and negative thoughts and thought patterns. Deliberately say kind words to yourself. Practice this. For example, when you are hurt or in pain, acknowledge it. Say it out. Talk about how difficult or painful the emotions you are feeling are to you. Acknowledge also that in spite of this, you can still care, be nice, be kind and care about yourself and others in spite of, and no matter what you are going through. Choose the discipline of maintaining composure.If someone else where to be in distress and hurt, how would you speak to them? In harsh, bitter tones? Or with kind, encouraging words? Now apply this principle to you. Practice this consistently and continually. Fall in love with yourself, as much as you fall in love with others. You as much as everyone else, deserves the best of you.